Lévy robotics: a bibliography


K. Alexis, “On the role of heavy-tailed distributions towards "memoryless" robotic planning for very large scale exploration”, preprint.

R. K. Ramachandran1, Z. Kakish, and S. Berman, “Information correlated Lévy walk exploration anddistributed mapping using a swarm of robots”, arxiv.org/1903.04836.

M. Kegeleirs, D. Garzon Ramos, M. Birattari,  “Random walk exploration for swarm mapping”, TAROS 2019: Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (2019) 211.

K. Harikumar, J. Senthilnath, and Suresh Sundaram,  “Multi-UAV oxyrrhis marina-inspired search and dynamic formation control for forest firefighting”, EEE T. Autom. Sci. Eng. 16 (2019) 863.

Bao Pang, Yong Song, Chengjin Zhang, Hongling Wang, and Runtao Yang,  “A Swarm robotic exploration strategy based on an improved random walk method”, J. of Robotics 6914212 (2018)  ID 6914212.


G. Estrada-Rodriguez and H. Gimperlein,  “Interacting particles with Lévy strategies: limits of transport equations for swarm robotic systems”, arxiv.org/1807.10124.

Ch. Papachristos and K. Alexis,  “Lévy flight foraging hypothesis-based autonomous memoryless search under sparse rewards”, arxiv.org/1812.04825.

C. Moonjaita, H. Philamore, and F. Matsuno,  “Trophallaxis with predetermined energy threshold for enhanced performance in swarms of scavenger robots”, Artif. Life Robotics 23 (2018) 609.

T. Zhang, “Unmanned aerial vehicle formation inspired by bird flocking and foraging behavior”,  J. Int. J. Autom. Comput. 15 (2018) 402.

O. Zedadra, M. Idiri, N. Jouandeau, H. Seridi and G. Fortino, “Lévy walk-based search strategy: Application to destructive foraging”,  Proc. of 2018 International Symposium on Programming and Systems (ISPS)  (2018) 402.

Y. Khaluf, S. Van Havermaet, and P. Simoens, “Collective Lévy walk for efficient exploration in unknown environments”,  In: Agre G., van Genabith J., Declerck T. (eds) Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, and Applications. AIMSA 2018. Lect. Notes. Comput. Sc. 11089 (2018) 260--264.

Jianjun Ni, Liu Yang, Pengfei Shi, and Chengming Luo, “An improved DSA-based approach for multi-AUV cooperative search”,  In: Comput. Intel. Neurosc.  (2018) article ID 2186574.

Y. Katada, “Swarm robotic network using Lévy flight for exploration”,  Trans. of the Soc. of Instrument and Control Engin.s 54 (2018) 22 [in Japanese; abstract and figure captions are in English].

K. Harikumar, J. Senthilnath, and S. Sundaram, “Multi-UAV oxyrrhis marina-inspired search and dynamic formation control for forest firefighting”,  IEEE Trans. Autom. Sci. Eng  (2018)  pp. 1--11.

R. K. Ramachandran, “Exploration, mapping and scalar field estimation using a swarm of resource-constrained robots”,  PhD thesis  (Arizona State University, US, 2018).

Y. Tatada and K. Furutani, “ Swarm robots using Lévy flight in target detection problem”,  preprint  (2018) [in Japanese; abstract and figure captions are in English].


R. Emery, F. Rahbar, A. Marjovi, and A. Martinoli, “Adaptive Lévy taxis for odor source localization in realistic environmental conditions”,  2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Singapore 455 (2017) pp. 3552--3559.

C. Garcia-Saura, E. Serrano, F. B. Rodriguez, and P. Varona, “Effects of locomotive drift in scale-invariant robotic search strategies”,  In:Mangan M., Cutkosky M., Mura A., Verschure P., Prescott T., Lepora N. (eds) Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems. Living Machines 2017. Lect. Notes. Comput. Sc. 10384 (2017) pp. 161 - 169.

A. Schroeder, S. Ramakrishnan, M. Kumar, and B. Trease,  “Efficient spatial coverage by a robot swarm based on an ant foraging model and the Lévy distribution”,  Swarm Intelligence 11 (2017) pp. 39--69.

A. Deshpande, M. Kumar and S. Ramakrishnan,  “Robot swarm for efficient area coverage inspired by ant foraging: the case of adaptive switching between brownian motion and Lévy flight”,  ASME 2017 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference  (2017) paper No. DSCC2017-5229.

G. M. Fricke, “Search in T cell and robot swarms: Balancing extent and intensity”,  PhD thesis  (University of New Mexico, US, 2017).

Yinghao Zhang, Yueming Li, Guocheng Zhang, Jiangfeng Zeng, and Lei Wan, “Design of X-rudder autonomous underwater vehicle's quadruple-rudder allocation with Lévy flight character”,  Int. J. Adv. Robot. Syst. 14 (2017) pp. 1--15

L. Kusmierz and T. Toyoizumi, “Emergence of Lévy walks from second-order stochastic optimization”,  Phys. Rev. Lett. 119 (2017) 250601.

Peng Yao and Honglun Wang, “Dynamic Adaptive Ant Lion Optimizer applied to route planning for unmanned aerial vehicle”,  Soft Computing 21 (2017)  5475.

A. Deshpande, “Robot swarm based on ant foraging hypothesis with adaptive Lévy flights”,  MS thesis  (University of Cincinnati, US, 2017).

S. Van Havermaet, “A collective Lévy search in robot swarms”,  MS thesis  (Ghent University, Belgium, 2017).


Y. Katada, A. Nishiguchi, K. Moriwaki, and R. Watakabe,  “Swarm robotic network using Lévy flight in target detection problem”,  Artificial Life and Robotics 21 (2016) 295.

ะก. Dimidov, G. Oriolo, and V. Trianni,  “Random walks in swarm bobotics: an experiment with Kilobots”,  In:Dorigo M. et al. (eds) Swarm Intelligence. ANTS 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9882  (2016) 185.

He Yuyao, Song Cheng, Yang Panpan, Lei Xiaokang,  “Bio-inspired guiding strategy for robot seeking intermittent information source”,  Proc. 2016 13th International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences and Technology (IBCAST)  (2016) pp. 161--166.

G. M. Fricke, J. P. Hecker, J. L. Cannon, and M. E. Moses,  “Immune-inspired search strategies for robot swarms”,  Robotica 34 (2016) 1791.

V. Nazarzehi,  “Decentralized control of three-dimensional mobile robotic sensor networks”,  arxiv/1606.00122  (2016).

P. K. Mohanty and D. R. Parhi,  “Optimal path planning for a mobile robot using cuckoo search algorithm”,  J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell.  28 (2016) 35.


S. Duncan, G. Estrada-Rodriguez, J. Stocek, M. Dragone, P. Vargas, and H. Gimperlein,  “Efficient quantitative assessment of robot swarms: Coverage and targeting Lévy strategies/a>”,  preprint  (2015).

V. Fioriti, F. Fratichini, S. Chiesa and C. Moriconi,  “Lévy foraging in a dynamic environment-extending the Lévy search”,  Int. J. of Adv. Robotic Syst. 12 (2015) 98.

J. Beal,  “Superdiffusive dispersion and mixing of swarms”,  ACM Trans. Auton. Adapt. Syst  10 (2015) article 10.

Y. Katada, A. Nishiguchi, K. Moriwaki, and R. Watakabe,  “Swarm robotic network using Lévy flight in target detection”,  SWARM 2015: The First International Symposium on Swarm Behavior and Bio-Inspired Robotics  (2015) 310.

M.-L. Cao, Q.-H. Meng, B. Luo, and M. Zeng,  “Experimental comparison of random search strategies for multi-robot based odour finding without wind information”,  Austrian Contributions to Veterinary Epidemiology,  10 (2015) 43.

J. Bau and R. T. Carde,  “Modeling optimal strategies for finding a resource-linked, windborne odor plume: theories, robotics, and biomimetic lessons from flying insects”,  Integr. Comp. Biol.,  55 (2015) 461.

V. Nazarzehi and A. Baranzadeh,  “A distributed bio-inspired algorithm for search of moving targets in three dimensional spaces”,  Proc. of the 2015IEEE Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (Zhuhai, China, December 6-9, 2015)  (2015) 2507.

L. A. Frederico, L. S. Martins-Filho, and A. L. da Silva,  “Navigation and control of an UAV quadrotor in search and surveillance missions”,  J. of Phys.: Conf. Ser.  (2015) 012031.


H. Siegelmann, E. Kagan and I. Ben-Gal,  “Honest signaling in the cooperative search”,  Proc. IEEE 28-th Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel   (2014) 1.


R. Fujisawa and S. Dobata,  “Lévy walk enhances efficiency of group foraging in pheromone-communicating swarm robots”,  Proc. Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, Kobe, 2013  (2013) 1.

D. K. Sutantyo, C. Moslinger, and M. Read,  “Cooperative search with autonomous vehicles in a 3D aquatic testbed”,  Proc. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, Takamatsu, Japan, 2013  (2013) 456.

T. Stevens and H. Chung,  “Autonomous search and counter-targeting using Lévy search models”,  Proc. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 6-10, 2013  (2013) 3953.

G. M. Fricke, F. Asperti-Boursin, J. Hecker, J. Cannon and M. Moses,  “From microbiology to microcontrollers: Robot search patterns inspired by T Cell movement ”,  ECAL 2013: The Twelfth European Conference on Artificial Life July 2013   (2013) pp. 1009-1016.


A. Flenner et al.  “Lévy walks for autonomous search”,  Proc. Proc. Ground/Air Multisensor Interoperability, Integration, and Networking for Persistent ISR III 83890Z (24 May 2012) V. 8389 (2012) .

M. J. Ketter et al.,  “Cooperative search with autonomous vehicles in a 3D aquatic testbed”,  Proc. American Control Conference (ACC), 2012  (2012) 3154.


D. K. Sutantyo, S. Kernbach, P. Levi, and V. A. Nepomnyashchikh,  “Multi-robot searching algorithm using Lévy flight and artificial potential field”,  Proc. 2010 IEEE Safety Security and Rescue Robotics V. 8389 (2010) pp. 1--6.

W. Lenagh and P. Dasgupta,  “Lévy distributed search behaviors for mobile target locating and tracking”,  Proc. 19th Conference on Behavior Representation in Modelingand Simulation, Charleston 2012  (2010)  pp. 103--109.


S. G. Nurzaman, Y. Matsumoto, Y. Nakamura, S. Koizumi, and H. Ishiguro,  “Yuragi-based adaptive searching behavior in mobile robot: From bacterial chemotaxis to Lévy walk”,  2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics  (2009) pp. 806--811.

Z. Pasternak, F. Bartumeus, and F. W. Grasso,  “Lévy-taxis: a novel search strategy for finding odor plumes in turbulent flow-dominated environments”,  J. Phys. A 42 (2010)  434010.